
徐世美     教授、博士生导师


联系方式:          Email:xushimei@scu.edu.cn





1992.09-1996.07 新疆大学,学士(其间1995.09-1996.07在大连理工大学转向培养)

1999.09-2002.07 大连理工大学,硕士   导师:杨锦宗院士

2005.09-2008.11 大连理工大学,博士   导师:杨锦宗院士


1996.09-2016.06 新疆大学,助教/讲师/副教授/教授

2004.08-2004.12 澳大利亚悉尼大学访问学者

2009.01-2010.01 美国密歇根大学博士后及访学研究

2008-2010  新疆大学化学化工学院应用化学教研室副主任

2010-2014  新疆大学石油天然气精细化工教育部重点实验室副主任

2016.06-至今 713贵宾会检测线路教授






2011年获教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划资助,2014年获NSFC-新疆联合基金优青专项资助。主持省部级以上科研项目10项,其中包括国家自然基金项目6项。获省部级科技进步二等奖1项(排名第一)。在Material Horizons,   Green Chemistry, ACS  Applied  Materials & InterfacesChemical Engineering Journal,   Macromolecular  Rapid  CommunicationsJournal of Materials Chemistry B, Soft MatterCarbohydrate Polymers, Bioresource   Technology等国内外刊物上发表SCI论文80余篇,申请中国发明专利10余项。




1.   Xuehui Liu, Fei Tian, Xu Zhao, Rongcheng Du, Shimei Xu*, Yu-Zhong   Wang*. Multiple Functional Materials from Crushing Waste Thermosetting   Resins, Materials Horizons, 2021,8(1): 234-243

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2.    Fei Tian, Yang Yang, Xiong-Lei Wang, Wen-Li   An, Xu Zhao, Shimei Xu*, Yu-Zhong Wang*. From waste epoxy resins to efficient   oil/water separation materials via a microwave assisted pore-forming   strategy, Materials Horizons, 2019, 6: 1733–1739

3.   Wenli An, Xiong-Lei Wang, Yang Yang, Huaxiu Xu, Shimei   Xu* , Yu-Zhong Wang. Synergistic catalysis of binary alkalis for the   recycling of unsaturated polyester under mild conditions, Green Chemistry,   2019,21(11):3006-3012

4.    Xu Zhao, Xiong-Lei Wang, Fei Tian, Wen-Li An, Shimei Xu*, Yu-Zhong   Wang. A fast and mild closed-loop recycling of anhydride-cured epoxy through   microwave-assisted catalytic degradation by trifunctional amine and   subsequent reuse without separation, Green Chemistry, 2019, 21(9): 2487-2493

5.    Xiong-Lei Wang, Wen-Li An, Yang Yang, Zai-Yin Hu, Shimei Xu*,   Wang Liao, Yu-Zhong Wang*. Porous gel materials from waste thermosetting unsaturated   polyester for high-efficiency wastewater treatment, Chemical Engineering   Journal, 2019, 361:21-30

6.    Pingping Xu, Huaxiu Xu, Yang  Yang, Xionglei Wang, Wenli   An, Yan Hu Shimei Xu*. A nonswellable gradient hydrogel with tunable   mechanical properties, Journal of materials chemistry. B, 2020, 8(13):   2702-2708

7.   Yang Yang, Fei Tian, Xionglei Wang, Pingping Xu, Wenli An, Yan   Hu, and Shimei Xu, Biomimetic Color-Changing Hierarchical and Gradient   Hydrogel Actuators Based on Salt-Induced Microphase Separation, ACS Appl.   Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11, 48428−48436

8.    Yun Tan, Di Wang, Huaxiu Xu, Yang Yang, Xiong-Lei Wang, Fei Tian,   Pingping Xu, Wenli An, Xu Zhao, Shimei Xu*.   Rapid Recovery Hydrogel Actuators in Air with Bionic Large-Ranged Gradient   Structure, ACS applied materials & interfaces,2018,10(46):40125-40131

9.    Yang Yang, Tun Tan, Xionglei Wang, Wenli An, Shimei Xu*, Wang   Liao, Yuzhong Wang. Photothermal Nanocomposite Hydrogel Actuator with   Electric-Field-Induced Gradient and Oriented Structure, ACS Applied materials   & Interfaces, 2018,10(9): 7688-7692

10.   Yun Tan, Di Wang, Huaxiu, Xu, Yang Yang, Wenli An, Lina Yu,   Zhixin Xiao, Shimei Xu*A Fast, Reversible, and   Robust Gradient Nanocomposite Hydrogel Actuator with Water-Promoted Thermal   Response, Macromolecular Rapid communications, 2018,39(8):1700863


